Torc Robotics: Pioneering Self-Driving Trucks and Cultivating Engineering Talent

Author: Margaret Mowrer
Torc Robotics stands at the forefront of the race to commercialize self-driving trucks.

This innovative environment offers an exceptional opportunity for full-time engineers and interns, presenting a unique challenge to engage directly in complex problem-solving.

Aidan Caputi earned his bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Purdue University in December 2023  From May of 2023 through December, Caputi interned at Torc Robotics as a Data Science Intern, where he applied his education and critical thinking skills to tackle problem-solving in the creation and maintenance of data-related pipelines and infrastructure. Caputi began full-time with the company in January of 2024 as a Software Engineer. 

"I think that as an engineer I am 'programmed' to love solving complex problems, and the ones being solved at Torc are truly cutting-edge. This allows for interesting work and the perfect environment for me to exercise the problem-solving skills I picked up during my time at Purdue," Caputi said. 

Interning at Torc Robotics offers a unique and meaningful experience, unlike other internships. "As an intern at Torc, we were fortunate enough to be given work with a meaningful impact on the everyday workflow of the company," Caputi shared. This hands-on approach allows interns the ability to see how their skills directly contribute to the company's goals, moving beyond the academic bubble into real-world engineering. Working with production-ready systems and presenting to business leaders provides invaluable insights and experience.

Torc Robotics also offered flexible arrangements that supported interns in balancing their education and work commitments. Caputi recounted, "Torc allowed me to intern part-time while finishing my degree at Purdue, which allowed me to easily support myself financially through my final months of college and transition flawlessly to a full-time employee."

Beyond technical skills, the internship experience at Torc emphasized the importance of workplace culture. "The most valuable thing I received from my internship regarding future endeavors was the importance of culture in the workplace," Caputi noted. The company fosters a positive and inclusive environment with lunches, social hours, and group chats that help build a sense of community among the interns.

Guidance and mentorship were key components of the internship program. "Wayne Epps helped all of us feel comfortable and find our place within the company. He was always available and doing whatever possible to help us students integrate into the company," Caputi recalled. Managers at Torc Robotics offer a hands-on approach and are focused on growth, providing a forgiving atmosphere that encourages learning from mistakes.

The combination of challenging work, supportive culture, and excellent mentorship at Torc Robotics makes it an ideal place for aspiring engineers. Interns not only apply their academic knowledge to real-world problems but additionally understand how their contributions fit into the larger company objectives. This comprehensive approach prepares them to enter the workforce with confidence and a clear sense of purpose. Torc Robotics is not just shaping the future of self-driving trucks, but also the future of engineering talent.

 "I learned that finding the right job is not only about the money and the work, but the culture of the company and its employees, and how much of a positive impact these things can have on your employment experience at a company," Caputi said. 

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