
This page showcases research from Purdue faculty and students related to professional practice programs.

E.A. Groll, and E.D. Hirleman, “Undergraduate GEARE Program: Purdue University’s School of ME Contribution to Educating Globally Sensitive and Competent Engineers,” Proc. 6th Annual ASEE – Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1-4, 2007.
E. D. Hirleman, D. Atkinson, E. A. Groll, J. Matthews, L. Xu, B. Allert, W. Hong, A. Albers, S. L. K. Wittig, Z. Q. Lin, and L. F. Xi, “GEARE: A Comprehensive Program for Globalizing Engineering Education,” paper 2004-1195, pp. 1-10, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, (2004).
Ahn, B., Cox, M.F., Zephirin, T., Taylor, K., Osagiede, A., Haller, Y., Groll, E.A., and Adams, S.G., “Designing Courses using Case Studies and Content, Assessment, and Pedagogy (CAP) to Cultivate Professional Skills among Engineering Students,” Int’l J. Engineering Education, Vol. 30(B), No. 6, 2014, Pages. 1–15.
Haller, Y., Groll, E.A., and Hirleman, E.D., “Best of Both Worlds: Foreign Language Preparation for Purdue University’s Undergraduate Global Engineering Education Program,” (MS#1047), Online J. Global Engineering Education, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2011.
Chang, Y., J.J. Lin, J. Thompson, Y. Shen, B.K. Jesiek, E.A. Groll, and E.D. Hirleman, “Intersecting Cultural Images: Transformative Global Research Experiences for Underrepresented Engineering Students,” Proc. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011, 15 pages.
Jesiek, B.K., Y. Chang, Y. Shen, J.J. Lin, E.D. Hirleman, E.A. Groll, “International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE) 2010 China: Developing Globally Competent Engineering Researchers,” Proc. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011, 12 pages.
Joshi, S. S., Davis, K. A., Czerwionka, L. (2024). The effects of a humanities-based engineering course on engineering students’ sociotechnical thinking. Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2024).
Joshi, S. S., Davis, K. A. (2024). Exploring shifts in engineering students’ understanding of engineering work during their co-op experiences. Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2024).
Joshi, S. S., Davis, K. A., Shermadou, A., & Garcia, B. S. (2022). Exploring how engineering students respond to challenges while working in global virtual teams. Frontiers in Education Conference (IEEE 2022).
Joshi, S., Davis, K. A., Czerwionka, L., Troncoso, E. C., & Montalvo, F. (2022). A Comparison of Two Scenario-Based Assessments of Systems Thinking. American Society for Engineering Education Conference (ASEE 2022).
Joshi, S. S., Garcia, B. S., Peach, N. A., Montalvo, F. J., & Davis, K. A. (2022). Global Learning at Home: Understanding Students’ Experiences in Global Virtual Team Projects. 9th Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2021) and 32nd Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference (REES AAEE 2021).
Davis, Kirsten A.; Joshi, Siddhant S.; Czerwionka, Lori; Montalvo, Francisco; Rios-Rojas, Gabriel O.; Tort, Joe; William, Jennifer Marston; and Nauman, E. (2021) "Integrating the Humanities with Engineering through a Global Case Study Course," Journal of International Engineering Education: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 4
Johnson, B., & Main, J. B. (2020). Underrepresented Minority Engineering Students’ Professional Experiences with Cooperative Education: Perceived Benefits, Drawbacks, and Pathways to Participation. 126th Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE 2019).
Main, J. B., Johnson, B., & Wang, Y. (2020). Gatekeepers of engineering Workforce diversity? The academic and employment returns to student participation in voluntary cooperative education programs. Research in Higher Education, 62(4), 448–477.
Main, J. B., Johnson, B., Ramirez, N., Ebrahiminejad, H., Ohland, M. W., & Groll, E. A. (2020). A case for disaggregating engineering majors in engineering education research: the relationship between co-op participation and student academic outcomes. International Journal of Engineering Education, 36(1), 170–185.
Ramirez, N., Smith, S., Smith, C. F., Berg, T., Strubel, B., Ohland, M. W., & Main, J. B. (2016). From Interest to Decision: A comparative exploration of student attitudes and pathways to co-op programs in the United States and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Engineering Education, 32(5), 1867–1878.