Average Monthly Salaries for Professional Practice Students

Salaries paid to Professional Practice students are determined by employers and vary in a number of ways. Location, discipline, employer, job performance, and local cost of living all play a factor in determining a student's salary. With the goal of the Professional Practice Programs being to provide students with meaningful work experience, we feel strongly that our students should be paid accordingly. A more detailed explanation of student compensation recommendations and averages can be found here.

Average Monthly Salaries for 5-Session Co-op as of May 2019*

Discipline 1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period 4th Period 5th Period
Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering 2830 3290 3380 3760 n/a
Biological Engineering n/a n/a 4330 n/a n/a
Chemical Engineering 4100 3970 4630 4750 4070
Civil Engineering 2950 3120 3640 3810 3990
Computer Engineering n/a 3640 4160 5030 n/a
Electrical Engineering 3410 3290 3290 3640 4330
Industrial Engineering n/a 2950 n/a 3990 n/a
Materials Engineering 2600 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Mechanical Engineering 3570 3730 4330 3760 4330
Electrical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology 3640 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Mechanical Engineering Technology 3640 n/a n/a 3640 n/a
Overall Averages
  3498 3541 4091 4102 4200

n/a = no data available

Average Monthly Salaries for 3-Session Co-op as of May 2019*

Discipline 1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period
Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering 3640 3640 3640
Biological Engineering n/a 3640 n/a
BiomedicalEngineering 3500 4130 4450
Chemical Engineering 4680 n/a 4420
Civil Engineering 2950 2600 2950
Computer Engineering 4330 n/a 4680
Environmental & Ecological Engineering n/a 3640 3470
Industrial Engineering 3410 3810 3990
Materials Engineering 2950 3990 n/a
Mechanical Engineering 3640 3760 3990
Nuclear Engineering n/a n/a 3990
Health & Human Sciences
Psychological Sciences 2080 1910 n/a
Manufactoring Engineering Technology 3640 n/a n/a
Mechanical Engineering Technology 3640 3640 3640
Overall Average
  3565 3678 3937

n/a = no data available

*Data was taken from an all co-op Student survey conducted in May of 2019. 184 students responded to compile the data above. Students in particular disciplines may have chosen not to respond, therefore, we do not have data to share. Secondly, some of the active co-op Students who were supplied the survey, had not yet completed a work rotation and therefore no data could be supplied. Individual salaries may vary. This is presented only as an informational resource and should not be used for negotiation or reporting. Salaries are not adjusted for regional cost of living differences.